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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gary Wolfe or Jennifer Jester
Corporate Relations Department
Banyan Systems Incorporated
(508) 898-1000
Lets Users Execute Strategic Commitments to
Corporate-Wide PC Networks
WESTBORO, Mass., May 8, 1990 -- Banyan Systems today announced a
trade-in program which enables domestic customers who currently use
Novell NetWareR, 3COM 3+ShareTM, IBMR PC NetworkTM, Corvus PC/NOS,
and DSC NEX/OS to upgrade their existing network to VINES by
trading in their old workgroup operating system for credit. "As
users have become more sophisticated, they have come to realize
that making a commitment to corporate-wide PC networks is in their
strategic best interests," said James Allchin, Banyan Vice
President and Chief Technical Officer.
"VINES has always been positioned as the network solution of choice
for customers seeking to integrate the desk-top PCs of departments
together with corporate host computers," Allchin said. "And I want
to emphasize that this program is designed to widen the options
available to our customers to make an intelligent business
decision: If they wish to interoperate their existing network with
VINES, we can help them. If they want to migrate to VINES
gradually, we can help them. And, if they prefer to replace what
they have with VINES all at once, we can help them too... with our
new upgrade program."
Banyan's "Upgrade Your NOS to VINES" program provides existing and
prospective VINES customers a cash credit applicable to the
purchase price of VINES/386 Team, VINES/386, or VINES/486. In many
cases this credit will equal what they paid for their original
networking software. In addition, Banyan is providing incentives
for customers to upgrade to large networks. For networks of five-
to-nine servers and networks of ten or more servers, Banyan offers
significant discounts on all software options purchased with the
Another key economic reason to upgrade to VINES is the fact that
much of the equipment and applications software already in use with
other NOS's, may also be of use in a VINES network. These include
industry standard PCs and networking cards, as well as standard DOS
and NETBIOS compatible applications software. For example, on May
30 Banyan will release new software drivers to support the Novell
NE-1000 and NE-2000 LAN cards. These drivers will be generally
available at no charge to all VINES customers with Banyan software
support contracts.
Upgrade to VINES to Replace Short Term File and Print Sharing
"Corporations have realized that implementing corporate-wide PC
networks can provide them with a competitive edge," noted Allchin.
"Upgrading their existing networks to VINES will let them
transparently put data and applications into the hands of the
people who need these resources to accomplish their jobs more
efficiently and cost effectively than ever before. Even more
important, upgrading to VINES will significantly enhance their
capability to compete in today's global economy."
In the past, many customers chose their networks for tactical
reasons. They needed to share printers, files, and standard PC
applications. By upgrading to VINES these users can continue to
share these resources, but, in addition, they will also be able to
integrate all their departments together in a single, easy-to-use
network of strategic importance, accessible directly from each
user's workstation.
In addition to superior file, print, and application sharing, VINES
gives users the full power of a truly user-transparent networking
solution. Services such as SNA, BSC, TCP/IP, X.25, and electronic
messaging are all available on each server, as controlled by the
administrator. The keystone of VINES is StreetTalkTM, the world-
dominant global directory service for PC networks. All VINES
applications, communications, administration, and security are
integrated with StreetTalk. Users can access all resources on the
network by simply referencing the appropriate StreetTalk name. If
the user does not know the name, the StreetTalk Directory
Assistance (STDA) feature provides a yellow pages/white pages-like
look-up facility. As result, users can access any resource without
needing prior knowledge about the network's underlying topology.
Administration is also greatly simplified and very economical: A
VINES network can easily be administered from any PC on the
network. In smaller networks, all VINES network services and
applications can reside on a single server, saving the cost of
hardware bridges and routers. In larger VINES networks, when an
application, communication link, or user is added to one server,
VINES automatically provides update information about the new
addition to all other servers throughout the network. This means
the administrator does not have to replicate any tasks when adding
The domestic offering of Banyan's "Upgrade Your NOS to VINES"
program is effective immediately, and provides the following
maximum credits for upgrades. The actual amount of credit granted
depends on the respective acquisition costs of the NOS being
upgraded and the particular VINES product selected as the upgrade
NOS. (Note: This program will be implemented internationally in
approximately 30 days; information on international credit
allowances will be available at that time.)
Product Maximum Product Maximum
Name Credit Name Credit
NetWare ELSI $695 3+Share Entry $995
NetWare ELSII $1,895 3+Share $2,995
NetWare ADV $2,995 Corvus PC/NOS $695
NetWare SFT $3,500 DSC NEX/OS 286 $2,295
NetWare 386 $3,500 DSC/NEX/OX 386 $3,295
3+Share 5User $595 IBM PC Network $1,040
For complete details, contact the Banyan Telemarketing Department,
toll-free, at (800) 828-2404.
About Banyan Systems Incorporated
Banyan Systems is the leader in corporate-wide PC networking.
Banyan's premier product is VINESR, a fully-integrated network
computing environment based on industry and international
standards. VINES permits the convenient accessing, sharing, and
managing of computer information and resources in distributed
systems ranging from localized PC clusters up to the largest
multinational PC networks in the world.
Operating on a growing variety of popular personal computers as
well as on Banyan's own family of network servers, VINES
transparently internetworks PCs, minicomputers, mainframes, and
other resources with local and wide area networks. The resultant
network is secure and convenient to administer, yet it provides a
single easy-to-understand user interface at each workstation. VINES
users need no knowledge of network topology. They perceive the
entire network as a virtual extension of their own PCs, and simply
access needed resources via Banyan's StreetTalkTM, the world's first
and most powerful global directory service.
Banyan Systems is headquartered at 120 Flanders Road, Westboro, MA
01581. (508) 898-1000.
Banyan and VINES are registered trademarks and StreetTalk is a
trademark of Banyan Systems Incorporated.
NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc.
3+ Share is a trademark of 3COM.
IBM is a registered trademark and PC Network is a trademark of
International Business Machines Corp.